Mutant Mall

I found myself unable to sleep one night and opened up my laptop to occupy my mind. I tumbled down a rabbit hole of "dead mall" images. Galleries of once-thriving malls captured during the heyday of the 80's juxtaposed with the vacant, post "retail apocalypse" state of these dying monuments to consumerism. Impulsively, I began modeling an old mall storefront for a VHS store. 

From there, I asked a group of friends to create a few characters based on this premise: Half the population has turned into mutants (NOT zombies). Imagine Night of The Comet meets Clerks. Your entire life revolves around this beacon of counter culture and you'll be DAMNED if a horde of mutants are going to take this sanctuary away from you.

Blah, blah, blah... TL;DR - Dress up like some exaggerated 80's types outfitted with modified NERF weapons made to be lethal. 

What resulted was a quick 21 second clip that served as a useful test run for a much more ambitious VFX short film. 

I enlisted Brian Moilanen to photograph the individuals and assist me with lighting.
Frequent collaborator, Jeh Howell provided the mutant arm makeup.
My wife Corina led the discussions for character names and wardrobe, with each performer providing their own unique look. 

Brian Jerin provided the music and sound design.

As far as collaborations go, this one was a fun little exercise and a great time with some friends.

Also, what would a VFX short be without a breakdown?

Franko Carino provided the music for the VFX breakdown

On camera talent (left to right):
Jason Howe
Tripp Turner
Kathrina Tenorio
Corina Farmer
(and Jason Howe again as all the Mutant arms)

